Baltic AI Hack
Gen AI Hackathon

Open and Partner Challanges

The Baltic AI Hackathon showcases Gen AI's transformative potential in addressing societal challenges. We've partnered with organizations to present challenges in public services, social inclusion, and education, allowing participants to work on real-world issues.

🌟 Open Challenge:

You're welcome to develop your own innovative solutions! Just ensure your project aligns with one of the main hackathon themes: Education, Sustainability, Social Inclusion, or Public Services.

🔗 Partner Challenges:

Our partner challenges are designed to connect participants with specific, real-world problems provided by industry leaders. By choosing a partner challenge, you'll benefit from:

  • Expert Mentorship: Access to guidance from experts who understand the problem space deeply and can help you refine your solutions.
  • Curated Datasets: Partners will provide specialized datasets relevant to their challenges, giving you the resources to build impactful AI solutions.
  • Collaboration Potential: Successful projects have the chance to lead to continued collaboration with partner organizations after the hackathon, potentially expanding the scope of your solution.

🚍 Partner Challenge: Inclusive Public Transport Stop Request Solution

The Road Transport Administration aims to improve accessibility for seniors in low-populated areas by enabling public transport stop requests via phone calls, ensuring easy access to transportation for all residents.

📊 Partner Challenge: AI-Powered Alumni Insights

VILNIUS TECH seeks an AI solution to automate the collection and analysis of alumni career data from social networks, providing valuable insights into their educational program's effectiveness.

📅 Additional Partner Challenges Coming Soon!

Additional and more detailed partner challenges will be published on 20/09. These challenges will offer even more opportunities to collaborate with leading organizations and work on impactful societal problems. Stay tuned on the Hackathon platform for the latest updates!

🚀 Get ready to innovate and make an impact!